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Let me tell you how my skincare services, products, and other procedures can enhance your natural beauty. 

From reversing unwanted wrinkles to treating dark spots and more, I will help you get answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Skin Science & Esthetics in Tacoma, Washington, let me tell you how my skincare services, products, and other procedures can enhance your natural beauty. From reversing unwanted wrinkles to treating dark spots and more, I will help you get answers. Read answers to some FAQs below! If your question is not here, feel free to contact me.

Microneedling Facts

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-Needling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT) is a new innovation in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of fine lines, acne scars and improvement of the skin’s overall appearance. During this procedure, tiny needles are used to create controlled microinjuries to the skin in order to produce collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in a thicker dermis with the appearance of softer wrinkles.

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of micro-needling are a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, younger-looking skin with fewer signs of aging. It also creates hyper-pigmentation as well as on hypo-pigmentation, acne scars, traumatic scars and stretch marks and generally creates a fresher appearance or glow to the skin.

What areas of the body can I treat?

Micro-Needling can be done on all parts of the body; Face, neck, décolleté, arms, hands, legs, abdomen and back.

How is the procedure done?

A sterile needle-tip containing 12 tiny micro-needles is attached to the device. Your skincare professional will apply a thin layer of topical gel to your skin and select the appropriate treatment depth based on your unique needs. Next, in a single motion, the pen will be gently pressed against the skin while simultaneously gliding in one direction until the entire treatment area has been covered.

What does it Feel Like?

The feeling is similar to light sandpaper being moved across the skin. While some areas are more sensitive than others, the speed of the reciprocating needle tip reduces discomfort while the applied hydrating gel also makes the treatment more tolerable.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the area treated.

What is the downtime?

Immediately after the treatment you will notice a bright redness to the skin.

The total healing time depends on the depth of needles used and the number of overlapping passes your skincare professional performs. Some patients heal completely in as little as 24 hours. Utilizing quality skincare products, provided by your skincare provider, can help to speed up the healing process.

When will I see the results?

Patients notice an immediate “glow” to their skin. Visible changes to the skin develop over the course of several days and weeks. Results continue to improve up to 6 months after the treatment as collagen production continues.

How many treatments will I need?

Some patients only require a single treatment, once per year to achieve optimal results.

However, it is recommended for most patients to receive a series of 3-4 treatments spaced about 6-8 weeks apart. For patients with deep wrinkles, advanced photo-aging, stretch marks or acne scars it is recommended to receive 6-8 sessions at 6-week intervals.

“What are the different types of Chemical Peels?”

Superficial/Light Peels - are the gentlest type of peels available. They only remove the top layer of the skin (the epidermis), and can give your skin an instantly brighter, smoother and more even texture. They are great to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, mild sun damage, minor acne scarring, pigmentation and/or dry flaking skin. They are an alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acid, also known as AHAs and BHAs and include glycolic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid. It is also common to use fruit enzymes and acids from natural sources such as pumpkins, vitamin C, papaya and pineapples. The number of treatments vary from client-to-client depending on condition being treated. Superficial peels don't hurt, you may feel a slight tingling, stinging or itchy sensation and have no downtime. You can be a slightly pink afterwards and may get some mild flaking of the skin. With this type of peel, you can return back to work or go out afterwards and no one would know you have had anything done.

Medium depth peels - give more dramatic results than superficial peels. Usually a TCA (trichloroacetic acid) or Jessner Peel, they penetrate deeper in to the skin and can be used to treat sun damage, pigmentation and wrinkles. A medium peel can be used to treat any part of the body, not just the face. Unlike the superficial peel, you will feel more activity, stinging and burning. With a medium peel you will have a longer recovery period than that of a superficial peel. Your skin will start to feel very tight and start to shed in about 3-4 days’ post peel. Within 7-10 days your skin will look much healthier and have a beautiful glow. With ANY peel or facial you MUST wear sunscreen to prevent skin damage, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and sunburn.

Deep peels - these peels have a much longer recovery time and require a doctor or nurse to administer them.

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